Since the two coolest T-2 chicks wrote their little top 5 list up and asked me to do mine, how could I possibly refuse. Here's to you Tammy & Celeste...and whomever wants to respond!
Top 5 Things I Can't Live Without Under $5
1. Good ol' fashioned scoop (or two!) of ice cream
2. Sub sandwich at Ralph's (only $3.99 and loaded w/ good stuff)
3. Peanut butter for Daisy's bone toy, she really loves this!
4. Iced Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks
5. Blueberries
5 Favorite Movies
1. Pride & Prejudice
2. Braveheart
3. Gladiator
4. Elf
5. Some Jim Carrey flicks
5 Baby Names I'll Never Use
1. Nimrod
2. Gertrude
3. Dorothy
4. Rosemary
5. Bartholemew
Top 5 Baby Names I Would Use
1. Can't reveal this one since it's the surprise name of our soon-to-be-born boy :)
2. Savannah
3. Madeleine
4. Caleb
5. Can't think of anymore right now...
Top 5 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over Again
1. Amazing Grace (have to agree with Celeste on this one)
2. Be Thou My Vision
3. Power of the Cross-Gettys'
4. One Day You Will-McBride
5. Some Oldies...Country
Top 5 People Who Have Influenced Me in a Positive Way
1. God/Christ/Holy Spirit
2. Sweetest man in my eyes-Glen
3. Dad
4. Mom
5. Crystal
Top 5 Items in my Purse at All Times
1. Wallet
2. Keys
3. Cell phone
4. Lip gloss
5. Lip liner
Top 5 Events that have Changed my Life Forever
1. Salvation
2. Marrying Glen
3. Pregnancy
4. Moving to CA 6 yrs. ago
5. Going to Grace Community Church
Top 5 Current Obsessions
1. Sleep
2. Eating
3. Planning for Baby
4. Cleaning
5. Playing with Daisy girl (Beagle)
Top 5 Places I'd Like To Go
1. Italy
2. Israel
3. Germany
4. New Zealand
5. Chicago
Top 5 People I'd Like To See Their Top 5
1. Jen
2. Emily
3. Crystal
4. Karen
5. Michelle
our family's journey in military ministry (current abode: Ft. Lewis-McChord, WA)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Graduate

Glen w/ his parents (Bill & Barbara)

Joe (Shilo's step-dad) & Mom along w/ Glen's parents
Our dear Trzeciak friends at the graduation banquet!
Shilo w/ friends Michelle and Delphine :)
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