Seems as if we haven't posted in awhile, mainly due to the fact that my (Shilo's) computer crashed a few weeks ago. So thankful there was still a warranty! Some highlights from the past month: A visit with my old boss, Kurt, while he was on business trip, Popie & Grandma come to visit (Glen's parents), Seattle Aquarium, another successful doctor visit for WEE #2 (praise), and seeing Handel's Messiah at the Seattle Symphony downtown. Will be heading out to Arizona from the 24th-1st to visit my folks so wishing everyone a
"I like wearing your scarf mommy"
Fun dinner w/ old boss & friend, Kurt
Snoqualmie Falls w/ Glen's parents
SEATTLE AQUARIUMAmazed by the octopus...
Amazed by the fish...
Downtown SeattleWas fascinated by this broccoli down at Pike Place Market
Playing w/ Legos from Popie & Grandma. So sweet to see them spend time with Micah while they were here visiting. He is one loved grandson!