and well. Hope this finds you well too. Thanksgiving is fast approaching us tomorrow and there is lots to be thankful for. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Here are a few highlights from the last few months: 1. Renew Conference 2. TMS Alumni Banquet 3. SNOW!! 4. Crystal comes to visit 5. Short trip to CA

"Yum Mom, this tastes good!"

"Do I like snow?"

"I think I do!"

"Snow is coooool"

Mommy's helper, strong little man!

Annabugs full of smiles :)

Like a pro on the airplane

New Elmo slippers from Papa & Grammy

Kiss kiss those chubby cheeks

New favorite BOY toy from Popie & Grandma

Crystal comes to visit! Pumpkin patch fun!

Jessie & Susan came from our church
TMS Alumni Banquet:

Gettin' cozy...