seems to mean so much more now since Glen's been gone. He was able to fly home for a quick 1-2 day turnaround and it was worth it. We surprised Micah by telling him his Clifford stuffed animal was hiding in our bed sheets and he wanted to come have breakfast with us. SURPRISE! Anna stood amazed for awhile, then was all snuggles. Blessed beyond measure to have this short time together.
We love you Dad!
Dad & Caleb getting acquainted again
Kids were ALL over him, so precious
Happy girl :)
New U.S. Army Kid hat
First family breakfast together in over a month
More snuggles & tears
Made him a family photo book as a gift
All together again!
Micah found Dad's backpack
Explaining more to Micah what goes on in chaplaincy school
Anna's belated b-day gift from us
I think she likes it!