our family's journey in military ministry (current abode: Ft. Lewis-McChord, WA)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

BOY or GIRL you may wonder?

We had our 20-week ultrasound yesterday and it seems as if the good Lord sees it fit for us to have more estrogen in the house. WEE Thompson #2 will be a GIRL!!! Glen is trying to get used to the fact that there will be more ribbons and bows around the house and Daisy is excited she won't be the only baby girl anymore :).
A video from the day (WARNING: Shilo's bare belly exposed!).

A few ultrasound pictures (that's if you can make them out):

Her profile

Front of face with her arms and body

And of course a post wouldn't be a post without our little man! Here's the happenings in the last few weeks plus a video with him doing animal sounds.

"I like my superman sticker after getting shots-OUCH Mommy!"

"Oh, you need to do laundry? Can I help?"

Day at the library

Dance Lessons
A couple from our church gave us two ballroom private lessons and one group class as a gift. We started our first private lesson last night. Our spunky instructor's name is Sheree. Glen was a great sport. Yay for dancing!


Crystal said...

OOOh - Congrats Shiloh - Girls, dresses, ribbons, and bows . . . . girls are sooooooooo much fun :) Happy for you all :)

JP said...

Congratulations from Jon, Lola, & Emma! Congratulations of Glenn's dancing as well. :)